• Garganta de los Montes

    Hook restaurant

    Our restaurant is located in the Sierra Norte de Madrid specifically in the beautiful valley of the Lozoya, the river that gives its name to the Valley just 45 minutes from Madrid.

    We offer you a country atmosphere and a very personalized. Our raw materials such as meat are the result of livestock in the area. The specialties of the House are both roasts to wood-fired oven such as grilled meats

    Disponemos de gran aparcamiento y zona infantil por lo que pequeños y mayores podrán disfrutar de un día de campo estupendo.

    Contact information

    Carretera de Navacerrada M-604, Km. 8. 28743 Garganta de los Montes (Madrid)

    91 868 74 83 / 645 782 247

    Related tourist information

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