• The Jarama Valley


    The municipality of Torrelaguna is located to the northeast of the community of Madrid, bordering neighbouring Guadalajara. He is seated on a pan terrain that rises from the river Jarama, It crosses its Southeast boundary, up to the mountain foothills. What most characterizes this territory is the presence of the Canal de Isabel II through a large number of pipes, aqueducts, auxiliary buildings, routes of access or the historic Cabarrus Canal which irrigated crops of this territory. North of the term there is a mountainous area of the slopes of the Hill of the Calerizas, with a predominantly low mountain landscape, rich in Lavender, Romero, thyme, rockrose and broom. There are also many poplars, Dwarf, poplars, Oaks, Juniper, pine and Turkey oak. By the plains of the South, on the terraces of the Valley of the Jarama proliferate intensive rainfed crops, carved or fallow, and pastures for livestock. Two pastures or mountains of public utility are in the municipality, and the most ancient and abundant plantations of olive groves in the region. The origin of the population seems to be Roman. In the middle ages he had the site today, with a shape that is still identified at its current level. It was one of the cristiano-visigodos fortified enclaves that are happening along the Jarama. The Muslims reinforced walls and raised some watchtowers. The tradition says that, Torrelaguna and specifically Caraquiz district was the land of Santa María de la Cabeza, spouse of San Isidro, the patron saint of Madrid. The Saint lived, married and died there, and his remains rested, until the 16th century that were transferred to Madrid, in the Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de la Piedad, then a call from Santa María de la Cabeza, located close to the Jarama. Torrelaguna has a large number of outstanding architectural elements, fact that in the year 1976 It was declared a historical monument – Artistic. Cisneros in person founded a convent of Franciscan, the Hospital of St. Bartholomew and built an aqueduct. The extraordinary Parish Church of Santa Magdalena María is one of the best exponents of the Gothic Madrid. In the centuries XVI and XVII are built numerous manors and palacios emblazoned, Since the town attracted many illustrious as the Bernaldo de Quirós and Mendoza families.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 744 m

    Nº people: 4.918

    91 843 00 10

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