• Torrelaguna

    The storehouse of the Sal restaurant

    A new restaurant on an old restored building that was the old salt storehouse in Torrelaguna is located in the historic village of Torrelaguna saw the parish church of St María Magdalene close, built during the 14th century. The salt storehouse offers menus from Monday to Friday and a various offer of gastronomic possibilities, among which we highlight the roasts. They offer menus for groups, Special seasonal menus. Some days, especially on weekends they offer performances live (actions show two Saturdays per month) and soon they will inaugurate a new space, the caves of the storehouse of the 14th century.


    • Weddings
    Contact information

    Star Street, 7, 28180 Torrelaguna (Madrid)

    91 843 16 53

    Related tourist information

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