• Low Valley of the Lozoya


    Mangiron is a town in Madrid, in the Township of old bridge, that is capital. Among its tourist attractions, the Mirabel Tower, a watchtower built in the 16th century surveillance, along the stream Jobalo.

    Mangiron is surrounded by a privileged landscape, to the North are observed forests of holm oaks and fund the Villar dam, to the South we find the old bridge reservoir. Is can not ignore the Hill of Picazuelo with a large pine forest, Northwest of the population that limits the view of the landscape.

    The village owes its origin to the Arabic word “Majairon” that means stubborn, making reference to the Mount of 1012 meters above which is located. There are also writings that indicate that the town's name comes from an Arabic word whose meaning is “good water”, due to the quality of water of the old fountain near the stream that passes through the municipality and various reservoirs that abound in the area.

    Municipality information

    Altitude: 1.012 m

    Nº people: 400

    Related tourist information

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