• Robregordo - La Acebeda

    Holly Dehesa de Robregordo and La Acebeda

    This route allows us to discover one of the botanical treasures of the Sierra Norte, the dehesa de Holly Robregordo. It is not easy to find masses of Holly like this, usually the Holly trees tend to be part of the understory of beech and oak forests especially, but uncommon form forests where is the main protagonist. Due to the management of livestock and logging for charcoal and an ancient oak forest grazing, The Hollies would be gaining prominence into a meadow of Holly. To this we must add the climatic characteristics which give it the proximity to the port of Somosierra.

    From Robregordo headed to the recreational area of el Plantio, After crossing the river Madarquillos the way it goes and we crossed the door of la Dehesa. By the way robles and San Blas are giving prominence to the Holly, it appear, as we move forward, in greater number and size.

    After passing the dehesa route joins the Horizontal, a forest track at considerable height that makes us beautiful panoramic views of the wisdom of the Sierra del Rincón. Just before reaching the source of the hen, take the track that goes to our left and after down penalty Gudiña Hill arrived at La Acebeda, beautiful mountain village whose waters enjoyed well-deserved fame, appearing here and there in regueras and sources. From La Acebeda take the old road that leads us back to Robregordo.


    Point of departure: Robregordo. Plaza Puerta del Sol.

    Tour route
    Profile of the route
    Perfil Ruta Dehesa de los Acebos
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