• La Acebeda

    Hotel Rural La Casona de Ana

    Hotel “La Casona de Ana” It has been designed to allow couples to enjoy, families and the authentic rural setting amig@s, the lung that all want to be near us to purify us and able to be.

    That place desired on time to enjoy the most beautiful look of your loved ones. Discover the eternal night of stars and let yourself be captivated by the charms of the land.

    With all the comforts that one wants to, Privacy, room service, Comfort with a room and independent temperature control, TV with USB access to enjoy the music they each want.

    Cafeteria and restaurant enabled disabled. Hall cafeteria and lounge independent restaurant with amazing views. With underfloor heating, offering a quality of excellent temperature. Outdoor terraces.

    In an environment of nature, rural life, ecological and with activities for the use and enjoyment of the field the CASONA DE ANA is located in the very heart of La Acebeda.

    Contact information

    C / encerradero, 34. 28755 La Acebeda (Madrid)

    91 651 91 76 / 676 37 07 47

    Squares: 8 squares in 4 rooms. Rollaway beds available

    Related tourist information

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