• Valdemanco

    La Posada De cricket

    In the mountain town of Valdemanco, between La Cabrera and Bustarviejo, This bed and breakfast is located “The Posada del Grillo”, provisions of 4 double rooms, two of them with double beds. All rooms are equipped with private bathroom and heating. The Posada del Grillo has a special distribution. Three of the rooms are attic and the other has a cosy interior terrace. Common facilities we have to highlight a large lounge with capacity for a 40 people, very appropriate for the celebration of any type of meeting. There is also a restaurant with oven firewood and cafeteria


    • Restaurante
    • Common room
    • Meeting room for companies
    • TV
    Contact information

    Plaza Nuestra Señora del Carmen, 3. 28729 Valdemanco (Madrid)

    91 848 11 49

    Squares: 8 squares in 4 rooms of which 2 of marriage

    Average price: 36 Room € per night

    Related tourist information

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