• La Cabrera - Valdemanco - La Cabrera

    The Sierra de La Cabrera

    The Cabrera is a granitic serrezuela of great morphological interest, because it offers a wide variety of peculiar modeling on granite formations such as domes, the ring shakes, the thors or canchos of overlapping blocks or the acastillamientos vertical fault. To constitute a single Ridge offers good views at all times. This ridge sits the second colony more troops of Griffon vulture in the community of Madrid.

    We start the route in the Avenida de La Cabrera, near the center of initiatives tourist Villa San Roque in the municipality of La Cabrera. We headed to the North by the Avda. Cabrera, until the end of the same at a roundabout. Without change of address, We take the street of the flowerhead, asphalt, We went to a restaurant and a petrol station, and we will reach some homes. From here the road is marked with white and yellow marks (PR). Asphalt road ends just past the last House, where the road ends the rise and turn direction Northwest, to the left according to the direction of our travel.

    The dirt road ascends between the farms, until we leave the last under us to walk together a wired. Right here we take the path that climbs between granite boulders and some junipers. After winning a few meters, the path is smooth to climb between San Blas, jaras, and already higher Juniper some pine trees, and of course bowling of granite to leave us at the base of the Pico de la Miel. If we look back we can see a beautiful view of the Cabreras and the el Atazar dam.

    The path from here goes cuerdeando through the granitic formations, the views are very good and every step the attention us the various formations which adopts the granite.

    Sometimes the path winds up approaching the limit of the rope, allowing us to see the granitic masses very close. If we look towards the North, the very open views allow us to see the mountains of el Rincón, Ayllon and part of the Guadarrama.

    They include formations of the Eagle or the ball of Cancho penalty, and already in the vicinity of the Hill of the bran, We once again surprise the crags, the acastillamientos or the canchos of overlapping blocks crowned many times by Griffon Vultures sitting on them. In this area concentrates most of the vultures that live in the Sierra de la Cabrera.

    The road leads us to the vicinity of the Hill of the bran, which spent long. Our journey continues in the same direction and goes down the slopes of el Cancho Gordo and the long Cancho.

    Descend gently to the vicinity of the penalty of the Tejo. Here the path changes direction, We took the hill next to the penalty of the Tejo and descend to the cemetery of Valdemanco. From here we leave the PR and started to follow the GR-10 (White and Red), direction Southeast (Left according to the direction of our travel).

    The path ascends to exceed the hillock which falls from the cliff called Valdemanco Tower. From here the road leaves us wonderful views and very different that we are accustomed to having this saw.

    The path leaves us almost at the door of the convent of La Cabrera. We incorporate to the path of cement until you reach La Cabrera.

    The vegetation. The investment of the bioclimatic floors.

    The stages of vegetation is the name given to the strips of vegetation that are happening as we go up or down the side of a mountain.

    In the mountainous areas vegetation is not available in the horizontal direction (from South to North); in these areas, this structuring is vertical.

    This diversity of vegetation depends not only on the type of mountains, the soil, the height but also the orientation of the slope in question. Sometimes, as in the Sierra de la Cabrera an investment of stages of vegetation occurs, Since it is normal that the deciduous forest (Robles) is above the Evergreen forest (Oaks). In this sierra warming of the high granitic escarpments are Oaks, While most fresh and moist soils are developed melojares. Another reason for this alteration would be North of the slope orientation, which receives more hours of sunshine in its higher part than in the lower areas. By what we see a reversal of the stages of vegetation due to microclimatic changes.

    They stand out by their presence the common and black broom and jara pringosa. To a lesser extent the miera Juniper are and creeping, Oaks and hillsides cluster pine (restocking), accompanied by Lavender, lemon thyme and herbaceous plants.


    Point of departure: Center for innovation tourist Villa San Roque. Avda. Cabrera, 36.

    Tour route
    Profile of the route
    Perfil Ruta Sierra de la Cabrera
    Related tourist information

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