• Valdemanco

    Bed and breakfast Strawberry

    Located on the edge of the Sierra Norte Madrid, in the municipality of Valdemanco, It has an excellent location that combines the proximity and ease of access from the city of Madrid with a natural and scenic environment that still keeps intact its purity.

    To just 45 minutes from Madrid is situated this farmhouse divided in 2 Paired detached from 220 meters each. Located in the Centre of Valdemanco (Madrid). Be rented together or separately. Each villa has of 8 squares.

    Each has with 3 rooms (2 doubles and one quadruple), 3 bathrooms, large living room, rustic fireplace kitchen, kitchen, garage, Garden…

    Possibility of extra bed. In a rural setting ideal for weekends and holidays.

    Multi-adventure activities can be:

    • Routes by region.
    • Climbing.
    • Fly paragliding.
    • Cycling.
    • Horse riding.
    • Take to the waters of the largest reservoir of the community.
    • Traditional food processing.

    Contact information

    C / Caño source, 9. 28729 Valdemanco (Madrid)

    639 56 81 03 / 655 304 928

    Squares: 16 squares in 6 rooms

    Related tourist information

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