• La Cabrera

    Farm House La Pergola

    Accommodation of Rural tourism in La Cabrera lies an interesting rural House on two floors with full capacity to 14 people in 7 rooms, all double and 3 of them with double bed. All include rustic sinks.
    In the interior of our stays, we combine in headboards, auxiliary furniture and decoration in general, wood and iron, artistically worked by craftsmen of the environment.
    The kitchen is located on the ground floor, a heated swimming pool, and the lounge with fireplace.


    • Barbecue
    • Fireplace
    • Heated swimming pool
    • Patio
    • Summer terrace
    • Pets are allowed,prior consultation with the owner (30€)
    Contact information

    C / las Azucenas, 2. 28751 La Cabrera (Madrid)

    91 868 86 44 / 630 938 149

    Squares: 14 squares in 7 rooms of which 3 of marriage

    Precio medio: 30 €

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