• Madarcos



    Descuernacabras 2019


    In Madarcos (Sierra Norte de Madrid) of the 25-28 July of 2019

    Taught by:

    -Johannes Geworkian y Rafa Martín (hurdy gurdy)

    -Osses y Miguel Nava (alboka and gaita serrana)

    -David Alvarez Cárcamo, y Luis García Valera (Iberian percussion)


    Hurdy-gurdy workshop

    Taught by Johannes Geworkian. Estudió en el Royal College of Music de Estocolmo y en la prestigiosa Academia Sibelius de Helsinki. He studied hurdy-gurdy with Matthias Loibner, Valentin Clastrier and Romain Baudoin and others.

    Both with the hurdy gurdy and voice, Johannes is a passionate musician who enjoys sharing his music with the public, whether playing alone or in their projects Garizim and Symbio.

    The workshop:

    It will focus on different techniques aimed to achieve a more dynamic and expressive interpretation. This includes exercises to develop the fingering and phrasing. Another aspect is the development of the technique of the trumpet in order to obtain a stable and versatile rhythm interpretation.

    The musical material is mainly Swedish traditional music, also including compositions recent that they arouse the employment of modern techniques of hurdy gurdy.

    Individual sessions will focus on the particular needs of each student.

    The workshop adapts to all levels and is intended to awaken new inspirations and propose new tools and exercises to work, useful to continue to make progress after the course.

    At the same time, Rafa Martín It will give a workshop for two hours every afternoon dedicated to the Repertoire of the plateau to hurdy-gurdy music. The different genres will be, rhythms and traditional melodies of the Castilian Plateau.

    The general development of the course contemplates a total of 24 teaching hours, divided into classes and individual lessons.


    Albogue and alboka workshop

    Taught by Osses (alboka) and Miguel Nava (albogue).

    The workshop "Between Albogues and albokas":

    It aims to discover the sound of these popular instruments and their way of playing them.

    On the one hand arises as a first approach for those who want to start with the instrument and other, a joint work on the Repertory both saw albogue and alboka.

    For the teaching of the alboka will count with the presence of Osses, albokari and constructor, carrying the enormous task of updating the alboka and to update their sound years, Tuning and great improvements for the implementation of parts of the repertoire for this instrument. The workshop will also serve to develop the cane fitas/pipes that produce the sound of these instruments.

    The albogue or bagpipes of the sierra de Madrid is an instrument of the family's pastoral Clarinets which disappeared in the Decade of the years 60 of the last century. Miguel Nava is an enthusiastic musician, responsible for the recent interest to regain this instrument of the mountains of Madrid. His workshop is an invitation to all who want to investigate your sound, fingering, repertoire and new searches of interpretation.

    The final objective of the workshop, It is preparing a mixed repertoire between these two instruments as close. Both share their loudness, as his execution. Learn different subjects and to establish an ongoing dialogue, allow develop new musical proposals of these two instruments in collaboration with other musical instruments.

    For those participants who do not possess instruments, We will have to provide some to start its execution.


    Iberian traditional percussion workshop

    Taught by David Alvarez Cárcamo.

    In the field of oral and musical tradition, their first field investigations began in 1998. Since that year it has been visiting locations in the province of León registering all kinds of manifestations of the tradition. In 2013, fruit of such research, He edited "the oral tradition Leonese vol. 1. In 2015 She collaborated as co-author, next to Luis Arias, the work "traditional songs. Valley of samarium. Omana-lion", edited by the Omanis Studies Institute. From 2014 Today it enjoys one of the "grants for young researchers" of the Diputación de Soria, together with Susana Arroyo and Julia Escribano, to collect the musical tradition and oral soriana, in order to edit a Songbook.

    The workshop:

    It will focus on deepening the study of the tambourine.

    We will make a small initial tour of the tambourine in León, its context within the peninsular Northwest and Spain in general, sizes, Forms, genres and uses.

    Then we will focus on the main repertoires of dance: jota, titos, corrido, plain dancing and muñeira. We will also make mention of the agarrao in its various forms.

    This type of touches are not executed in the same way, so within the technique will see hints of a hand, two-hand, hand turned, with the knuckles, Doll game and different combinations.

    Conclusion is explained and run the main dances to understand, complete form, the phenomenon of the tambourine for the lion dance.

    At the same time, Luis Garcia Valera will give a workshop on

    "the melody and rhythmic accompaniment in music of oral tradition"

    Tambourine techniques, almirez y otros instrumentos tradicionales de percusión.

    Ejercicios de desarrollo rítmico, fraseo, análisis musical de grabaciones antiguas y ataque de las melodías. El retardo y el uso del melisma.


    Para más información e inscripciones:



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