• Route of the backrest

    Total distance: 20703 m
    Max elevation: 1242 m
    Min elevation: 978 m
    Total climbing: 503 m
    Total descent: -503 m



    Distance: 20,7 km

    Time: 6h 10 min

    Positive slope: 462m

    Difficulty: 2 / 5

    GPX track [Descargar]


    Point of departure: Lozoyuela.

    This route starts from the Tourist Office of Lozoyuela and passes through the former station of Lozoyuela and the former tungsten mine.

    The route covers a large variety of landscapes; pine forests, meadows, pastures of ash trees and scrubland occur resulting in a changing natural mosaic along the route.

    También las vistas panorámicas cobran protagonismo en una zona en la que una gran roca, known as "The stone Eagle", It allows us to observe the municipality in its full entirety, as well as, El Atazar reservoir, together with other towns in the area.

    The route has a special charm because, along the route, It runs along the north face of the sierra de La Cabrera, llaman la atención las caprichosas formas que adquieren las rocas de granito, modeled by the action of natural elements such as rain, wind or ice.

    It is crossed by the river Jobalo, which adds an even more attractive to the entire component.


    In the beginning of the route, abundant junipers, Dwarf, Lavender and thyme.

    On one side we see the dehesa of ash trees and Oaks of Lozoyuela and you will walk among Scots pine.

    To move to the north face of the Sierra de La Cabrera, the landscape will be more Rocky, where will the thickets and the broom dominate.


    -You can observe vultures, wild boars, foxes, conejos y liebres.

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