• ACTIVE TOURISM. Plans in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    Walks and horse-riding: Emotional therapy with horses

    Would you like to spend a few hours with us and feel better than ever? Our horses will help you.

    If you like to see a horse, If excites you to touch it... imagine what would be reassembled a dream? Imagine that you can pet them, clean them, get to know them; hug them, play with the herd, Learn how to think, sharing emotions. It may be something unforgettable magic!

    To do this, We will put all our effort, all our love and all our knowledge about horses and nature.

    – Walks and horse-riding. (individual, groups and families; children and adults).
    You know the environment of Bustarviejo in an exceptional and respectful manner with the environment, observing nature from a new and enriching perspective.
    – Emotional therapy with horses ( individual, groups and families; children and adults).
    It reduces stress, controlling anxiety and improves your mood. Will help you to feel better and focus on problems with a new vision.

    From €30 per person

    Meeting point:
    Site of the Beceas-Bustarviejo.

    Dates: Throughout the year.

    Schedule and duration: to be arranged, According to the activity.

    It includes: Equestrian tour guides, insurance and helmet.

    Do not forget to: Comfortable clothes, long and athletic pants or boots.

    Other: Book Preview.

    It organizes / Contact

    It balances the Beceas - place of the Beceas - Bustarviejo – Madrid

    David: 647 827 540 / Andres 677 771 057

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