• Cabanillas de la Sierra

    Route of the bull

    One of the most representative Cabanillas routes is the route of the bull, where will visit circularly the municipal term of Cabanillas de la Sierra, discovering a natural environment of rare beauty, during which you can enjoy exceptional views of the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

    Visit livestock routes by which for centuries has gone in transhumance livestock, you will cross a medieval bridge and get to know the oldest source of the people, witness of our mountain history. In addition, shortly after launch the route, We will reach the emblematic Osborne bull, the first installed in all Spain.

    We know Mediterranean forests and pastures of holm oaks, delicious species of flora and fauna, as well as pastures of ash trees inhabited by herds of bulls, features so characteristic of our municipality.

    Along the route there are 17 information panels that allow us to know the landscape, Flora, Wildlife and customs of the people of Cabanillas de la Sierra and other municipalities of the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

    On the basis of slope Street, next to the Rotunda of the old n-I, We leave the town centre by the Canada of the Laderon at Portillo or Calleja de las Cuevas, know where several caves where the harvested wine was once stored in our people, a few meters away you will find a panoramic table through which we will know the different peaks and vegetation of the Sierra Norte.

    Shortly after, cross a small bridge Brook Sacedón, with its characteristic vegetation of ribera, for later, along the road a-es, observing an area of old orchards and a peculiar juniper forest.

    At this point, Discover the majestic Osborne bull, that I can contemplate in all their amplitude.

    After crossing under the a-es, visit meadow landscapes, furrowed by traditional stone fences. Little later, We can choose to take the short route (4,7 Km. length), that we take the people passing over the medieval bridge of Los Arrieros, just as they did two centuries ago the Napoleonic troops come from France.

    If we opt for the long route (8,7 Km. length), We will continue heading north along a path that will take us to cross the old road national I, as well as the Canada Real de Extremadura, often busy by in their long pilgrimages transhumant herds. We traverse an area occupied by a wonderful Mediterranean forest, Habitat of numerous species of plants and animals, whose traces we can observe. In addition, We will contemplate the majestic sierra Norte, that can be interpreted through a second panoramic table.

    Shortly after, We will again cross Brook Sacedón, entering a wonderful soto occupied by pastures of ash trees pruned in the traditional style (Cat Head), where bravo cattle campa gentle.

    Somewhat later, After crossing the road of Valdemanco, We will walk along a narrow path until you see the features pastures of holm oak. Shortly before reaching the town discover the first source that existed in our municipality, built in 1.895, and where the cabanilleros came to drink for decades.

    This same path, It runs parallel to the old national I Highway, shortly after take us to where we are, After having known this ride in a privileged natural environment, of exceptional beauty and full of history.

    The route consists of guidance beacons, so it is impossible to disorientated or lose it. In addition, This route consists of 17 interpretive panels and two tables of landscape.

    Mide Ruta del Toro

    Point of departure: Cabanillas de la Sierra.

    Tour route
    Ruta del Toro
    Profile of the route
    Perfil Ruta del Toro
    Related tourist information

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