• Pinilla de Buitrago

    Groucho grill restaurant

    Restaurant Groucho Grill, located in Pinilla de Buitrago, It offers a wide gastronomic selection of high quality. One of the best options in the sierra norte de Madrid gastronomy.

    Our restaurant is well known in the Valley for the quality of its products. Thanks to our experience we can offer a wide variety of menus for groups (Phone reservations. 918695984)

    Your event, meeting or presentation will be an original Act in a relaxed atmosphere and therefore a success.

    Phone reservation restaurant: 91 869 50 84

    It is one of the restaurants of reference in the mountains north of Madrid for the quality of its products.


    – Meat to the grill of the Sierra de Guadarrama

    – Scrambled eggs with sausage

    – Salad of ventresca

    – And many other products of season

    Contact information

    Carretera M-634, km 23, address Gargantilla del Lozoya. 28739 Pinilla de Buitrago (Madrid)

    91 869 50 84

    Squares: 150

    Precio medio: 25€

    Related tourist information

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