• Bustarviejo

    Cheese Cap

    Small artisan cheese with Malaga goat on extensive livestock.

    We produce cheese and yogurt from goat, with animals as their primary food source is the grazing. It is performed daily in the valle de Bustarviejo, using the great resources that offer us the same.

    • Visit to the cheese factory: brief explanation of the technology that we have in the cheese factory, Basic knowledge of manufacturing processes and will make a cheese making workshop. Approximate duration of time and a half.
    • A pastor day workshop: We will visit the goats with a duration approx. hour and half two hours. We know what the daily life of a small ruminant.
    Contact information

    C / Maruste, 18. 28720, Bustarviejo (Madrid)

    647 59 10 31 Laura
    676 39 84 37 Shell

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