• HERITAGE. Plans in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    Braojos: La iglesia de San Vicente, the "Cathedral of la Sierra Norte". Guided visit.

    Visita guiada de la iglesia de San Vicente, known as the "Cathedral of la Sierra Norte", having 400 years of history and is the temple where dance Pastorale, an offering in the form of dance performed by men dressed in traditional costumes. Además en su interior el visitante puede encontrar retablos creados por Gregorio Hernández en el Renacimiento, paintings of the maestro Vicente Carducho or two slats attributed to Pedro de Berruguete "El Viejo". Also a baptismal in stone an image of a crucified Christ from the 14th century or 15th century. The Temple also has a small museum in the Tower, There are carvings of Saints and a chalice and custody of 17TH century game.


    Meeting point: Oficina de turismo de Braojos. Plaza del Sol, 5

    Dates: Weekend. For other dates, check availability with the Tourism Office.

    Duration: 45 min aprox.

    It includes: Guided visit to the San Vicente Mártir church with access to the Museum which is located in the Tower, viewing of the video of "La Pastorale" and access to the Bell Tower (except during periods of maintenance and cleaning).

    Do not forget to: ¡Desconectar de la rutina y retroceder en el tiempo para conocer las singularidades de esta gran obra, y en definitiva disfrutar del encanto Cultural, Tradicional y Natural del pueblo de Braojos de la Sierra!

    Other: Essential reservation. You can book via the web:
    www.braojos.org/turismo-braojos/web-turismo-braojos or by calling. Groups max. 20 people.

    It organizes / Contact

    Town Hall of Braojos de la Sierra

    608 750 854 (Whatsapp)

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