• HERITAGE. Plans in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    Thematic walks in Patones

    Patones is much more than Patones up and that once a month conducted thematic walks in the surroundings in which we teach our rich heritage: The archaeological site of the Dehesa de la Oliva, the dam of the pontoon of the olive and the Museum
    Some of these places are geological classroom.

    "A journey through time: from prehistory to the middle ages"is a tour of the whole archaeological of the Dehesa of la Oliva that allows us to travel from the Upper Paleolithic, When the men and women of the caverns used the caves, continue in the Neolithic age where he began to use the external part of the Hill, follow in the iron age with the presence of a castro, continue
    in the Roman period with the creation of the "nameless city" and end up in the VI century D.c.. in an ancient Visigoth necropolis. Do you want to know how it has changed the way of life in this ancient Hill? Because you can not miss this ride.

    "Pontoon of the olive, a laboratory for conveying water"reveals the pontoon of the olive dam, the first of Madrid and giving name to the Canal de Isabel II. A dam full of stories and legends but, In addition, a place of geology and spectacular nature and who once served as a laboratory for architecture and civil engineering. Discover it through the theme walk.

    "Is Geologist for a day" is a proposal to families in which you can discover a history of millions of years through the rocks, understand how was formed the landscape of your about and understand why Patones de Arriba is a town in black architecture. And what better form visiting our Museum - classroom geological Patones, located in a place of great geological diversity.

    3€ person

    Meeting point: Plaza del Ayuntamiento de Patones.

    Dates: Last Sunday of every month.

    Duration: Of 11 to 1 p.m.. Approximately 2 hours of duration.

    It includes: Guide and visit.

    Do not forget to: Wear comfortable clothing and waterproof if it is winter. Boots for walking through the countryside.

    Other: Essential reservation. Groups of 5 to 20 people.

    It organizes / Contact

    Ayuntamiento de Patones.
    Department of tourism.

    91 843 20 26 (sat, Sun and public holidays from 11 to 18 h) 91 843 29 06 (working Friday of 9 to 15 h).

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