• Walk to the Roman bridge

    Total distance: 4991 m
    Max elevation: 1019 m
    Min elevation: 899 m
    Total climbing: 22 m
    Total descent: -141 m



    Distance: 5 km

    Time: 1h 20 min

    Positive slope: 12m

    Difficulty: 2 / 5

    GPX track [Descargar]


    Point of departure: You can start in the municipalities of Lozoyuela or Sieteiglesias

    This route, that you can start in Lozoyuela or Sieteiglesias, It takes us to the Roman bridge that rises above the bed of the Brook Jobalo.

    The route begins in the "Plaza Virgen de la Soledad", in Lozoyuela, where part of the road linking the towns of Lozoyuela and Sieteiglesias. Continue Sieteiglesias once in El Berrueco direction.

    On the bed of the Brook Jobalo is an ancient Roman bridge, of one eye, It marks the division between the municipalities of el Berrueco and Sieteiglesias, as can be seen in one of the stones in the middle of the bridge. Surrounded by a typical wide Grove of ribera, its passage is part of the "Cañada Real Segoviana."


    Robles, Ash, some oak and scrubland (thyme, San Blas...). Riparian vegetation


    The saying "where there is water there is life" is completely true, Since especially in spring and summer a large number of animals approaching the River to drink and bathe in its waters.

    -Insects, frogs and snakes are part of this ecosystem.
    -Birds: the common Blackbird, the subalpine Warbler, the Wren, the common birdhouses, Magpies, jackdaws, crows, kite, buzzard common.
    -Mammals: wild boar, Fox, Badgers and genets

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