• Pradena del Rincon

    By the Merinas of Canada

    The trail runs along a string as part of the Cañada Real that toured the slopes of this mountain range: The Canada of the Merinas.

    The route which starts from Pradena del Rincon surrounds the dehesa boyal this town. The canada goes through meadows and pastures, It crosses streams and gives us beautiful perspectives of the Sierra de Puebla, the Sierra del Rincón, the Valley of the Lozoya and summits, and cords of the Sierra de Guadarrama.

    Meadows full of cantuesos, keypads, Wild Roses, Turkey oak... They populate the surrounding area of the road which is a beautiful example of the different types of livestock routes by which we are going (Cañadas, Twine, sidewalks and washes), In addition to watching livestock infrastructure as the stable next to the "Block" viewpoint or watering holes. The most frequent in the area livestock were the Merino sheep, However the cattle which more abounds today is beef.

    There is an alternative if we want to reduce the distance of the route. At the height of the thematic viewpoint "The block" which is an old construction, instead of deviating from the path and turn towards the South (left according to the direction of our travel) We will continue along the path of white gravel front.


    In mid-September the mayoral started to look for land. The estates were rented by 4 o 5 years. Often if the hatajos (small group of cattle) people were not enough had to associate with other peoples to form a flock.

    All Saints Day, the different shortcuts gathered in the meadows near the village for the game. Six or seven shepherds were accompanying the flock. Were dogs and a horse or a donkey per person. In a herd of linen, they put a blanket, two or three shirts and seedlings, buckets for cooking, awls and remedies for sheep. The March was made by las Cañadas, sidewalks and Twine in Segovia route and every day it roamed some 22 km. For the night, they looked for bus stops and the 20 o 30 days, According to the delays caused by the birth there was Extremadura.

    Prádena sheep returning in may or earlier if the year had been rainy. Passing Buitrago you sheared the herds in the House of shear and washing the wool in a sink that had close. Shear was an important practice in the exploitation of the Merino ewes, Since it would pick up the fleeces of wool. Then he proceeded to do the empega or paste, marking sheep with fish.


    Point of departure: Pradena del Rincon. Plaza de la Constitución.

    Tour route
    Profile of the route
    Perfil Ruta Cañada de las Merinas
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