• Villavieja del Lozoya

    Hotel * Hospedería del Arco

    The guesthouse is located in the Centre of the municipality of Villavieja de Lozoya.Es a two storey building. On the ground floor is the dining room with a capacity for 30 Diners, a bar and a living room with sofa, tables, TV and board games.

    The Inn has four suitesd, spacious and bright. All rooms have jacuzzi., bathroom, WiFi.

    Pets are allowed.
    Hiring massage shiatsu.

    Contact information

    C / arc, 6. 28739 Villavieja del Lozoya (Madrid)

    91 868 09 11 / 629 584 833

    Squares: 4 Suites, 8 squares. Possibility of extra bed (12 EUR), minor's 2 years is not charged.

    Precio medio: Loose day 95 EUR, Two days 180 EUR. Breakfast included.

    Related tourist information

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