• Piñuécar and Gandullas

    Front of Somosierra

    Since the beginning of the war, Madrid was one of the main stages of the contest. The defense of the old bridge and El Villar dams, vital to the water supply to Madrid, He did this front is kept in permanent tension. The frontline on this side of the mountains remained almost unchanged throughout the war.

    This front, then in a westerly direction from the front which we discussed in the path of the water front, and separated by one of the arms of the old bridge reservoir water, I had the same defense function of wetlands that supplied water to Madrid.

    The route runs through legendary places of this front as the Peña of the German or Piñuécar head Hill where there is an Observatory of the national army. In addition to the concentration of war elements like trenches, bunkers, etc., the proximity of both fronts attention. The route runs through areas of the foot of Mount lined with Oaks, Juniper or herbaceous plants and allows you to discover the picturesque villages of Piñuécar and Gandullas.


    Point of departure: Piñuécar. Plaza Mayor.

    Tour route
    Profile of the route
    Perfil Ruta Frente de Somosierra
    Related tourist information

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