• Bustarviejo


    The Equivalle equestrian area is a meeting place for people who love horses and nature. In the unique surroundings of the Sierra de Guadarrama National Park, close to the towns of Bustarviejo and Miraflores de la Sierra, we ride on horseback and enjoy the company of our animals.

    Our specialty is the free time riding, understanding why riding for pleasure in the field. Our horses go bitless and barefoot (without mouthpiece and horseshoes) and organize routes from 1 hour to several days on the back of them.

    In the summers we organise riding camps in which young people can dip into the world of the horse.

    In Equivalle the most important are the horses: We treat them with respect, love and knowledge of their nature and so we pass it to our students to be responsible and respectful riders.

    If you want to know a different place, go to Equivalle for a new experience.

    Contact information

    Carretera de Miraflores a Bustarviejo, km, 16,2
    28720 Bustarviejo

    639 12 43 64


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