• San Mamés

    Chorrera de San Mamés

    Path that leads us to one of the most spectacular waterfalls in the community of Madrid. The route runs mostly parallel to the runway of the Jet stream and highlights its high natural and landscape value, We go into a wild pine forest in great state of preservation as well as species of ribera accompanying Brook.

    We start the route in the valuable Church of San Mamés, one of the architectural jewels of the Sierra Norte, dating back to the 12th century. It is part of the Romanesque architecture with a semicircular apse of great beauty. Abroad is also stone stalls, the steeple topped with a gable roof and the side porch.

    Part a road in front of the Church, where we see a poster of the artisanal dairy Santo Mamés, which we go. The cheese factory is well worth a stop to provisionarnos of a good craftsman pure goat of the Guadarrama mountains and Alpine cow milk cheese, and step to see how they produced it

    Last cheese factory the road begins to climb more clearly, We see around some stains from oak. After a couple of riots, We trace the slope of the Hill of the Tejoneras, a nude area of vegetation, with the exception of some shrub species, and we access to the small and deep valley which forms the running Brook. Below we hear the sound produced by the flow of the stream.

    The road is aimed at a leafy pine forest which we access by a fence next to a forest House. We continue under the shadow of large pine trees and the first Horseshoe bend, We left the track and take a more narrow path that keeps the same direction that we have been.

    The road avoids rocky promontories and dies when you reach a stream. We crossed the brook, pine trees left behind and continue along a path, among rocks, San Blas, cantuesos and rose hips, It goes along the slope. We have heard the roar of the water coming from la chorrera and soon spotted it.

    Chorrera of San Mamés is a spectacular waterfall of some 30 meters, forming the Jet stream and that culminates in a slide that shoots water up. The waterfall is the most notable accident of the broad south slope of this mountain and is visible from miles away. It is considered the largest of the community of Madrid waterfall.


    Point of departure: Church of San Mamés.

    Tour route
    Profile of the route
    Perfil Ruta Chorrera de San Mamés
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