• Madarcos: a great small town in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    Already following our weekly tradition we speak of Madarcos, municipality of the Middle Valley of the Lozoya in a privileged setting of the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

    The second town with less population of Madrid (47 inhabitants in 2016, According to the INE) is a far 87 km from the capital. It lies in the foothills of Somosierra, some 1059 meters above the sea level, at the foot of the Hill Majada de la Peña. The landscape extends over a plain bordered by the river Madarquillos sickle, flanked by the hills of Quiñones and La Dehesilla. Hayedo de Tejera Black Natural Park, already in the province of Guadalajara, is not far away.

    Alto Quiñones en otoño. Imagen cedida por Ayuntamiento de Madarcos

    High autumn Quinones 1“, Image courtesy of the city of Madarcos

    To the question of what to do in this municipality of the Sierra Norte de Madrid, We must make reference to the splendid architecture of the villa, whose urban nucleus survives without major modifications since medieval times. At every step we find elements that speak of traditional economic activity par excellence in these places: livestock. You can see several traditional buildings, in general a single plant, gable and cover with masonry walls made of granite and schist rocks. Buildings include orchards and pens with stone walls.

    Caserio de la Nava. Imagen cedida por Ayuntamiento de Madarcos

    Hamlet of la Nava“, Image courtesy of the city of Madarcos

    Speaking of religious heritage of Madarcos, It goes without saying the parish church of Santa Ana, built in the 17TH century and singular by its belfry. We also find the Colt Horseshoe, Sun clock, and the architectural ensemble of the City Council (together with the Office, they have received an award from the CAM quality). As for festivities, We find "Madarcos yesterday and today" (4 October), a celebration of recovery of traditional activities that are elaborated doughnuts and pestiños and exposed traditional tooling, us back in time to the past.

    Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Ana. Imagen de la Dirección General de Turismo, Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológica, CAM
    Iglesia Parroquial de Santa Ana. Dirección General de Turismo, Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológica, CAM

    Belfry in Madarcose Church in Madarcos, images of the General Directorate of tourism. Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Comunidad de Madrid. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 IS

    Potro de herrar. Imagen cedida por Ayuntamiento Madarcos
    Madarcos Ayer y Hoy2. Imagen cedida por Ayuntamiento Madarcos

    Colt branding, Watch Sun & holiday “Madarcos yesterday and today”, images provided by the city of Madarcos

    Hiking trails designed by the city depart from the urban core. One of them is the blacksmith, with its Manoliche Variant (shorter), of almost 7 km and workable in approximately 2 hours. According to the locals, It corresponds to the way that made the resident blacksmith in Horcajuelo, which moved to the blacksmith's shop located in the current La forge Bar.

    Ruta del Herrero. Imagen cedida por Ayuntamiento Madarcos

    Path of blacksmith“, Image courtesy of the city of Madarcos

    Another important route is the South Circular, of 9,5 km and a 3 hours of duration. Both are natural places of great ecological value of the municipality, works like the old bridge reservoir, and its route can be consulted here.

    Circular Sur. Imagen cedida por Ayuntamiento Madarcos

    South Circular Road“, Image courtesy of the city of Madarcos

    Madarcos is also an example of coexistence and innovation for all neighbouring municipalities. Proof of this is the example of Jorge Durán, who has set up the already famous Smokehouse salmon of the town, which in addition to creating jobs in the village and rejuvenate the population, is already a known location by restaurants of the area and tourists travelling to the place to buy smoked salmon and other Delicatessen products made in the purest mountain style.

    The Smokehouse: Mario and Jorge“, shared image of your Web

    Despite its size, Madarcos has with rural accommodation, Maybe five cottages have infrastructure to accommodate up to groups of 30 people.

    If you want to feel the essence of a traditional community, Madarcos is your site.

    Vacas. Imagen cedida por Ayuntamiento Madarcos

    Cows“, Image courtesy of the city of Madarcos

    Sierra Norte de Madrid. Naturally Rural.

    Photographs: Ayuntamiento de Madarcos, Directorate-General for tourism (Ministry of economy and technological innovation CAM), Madarcos tourism Blogspot, Madarcos Smokehouse

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