• La Serna del Monte

    Rural accommodation of La Serna del Monte

    Our homes are located in the beautiful village of La Serna del Monte. In a unique location to 45 minutes from Madrid, in the Sierra Norte of Madrid and just 5 km from the beautiful town of Buitrago de Lozoya.

    Our village is a haven of peace where the people are friendly and the noises of the city are changed by the singing of the birds, the mooing of cows and impressive birds of prey flight like Eagles or Griffon Vultures flying over forests.

    Between our homes safe that you can find which suits your needs and if not so, You can always contact us for to help you get what you need.



    We accept pets provided that owners be made responsible for any damages.

    We have two houses adapted to low mobility, one completely up to the adapted bathroom and another partially.

    There are barbecues on the plots that can be used by users provided that the legislation of the community of Madrid, permitted.

    The 4 the Huertas Street houses, they have a fireplace, In addition to heating.

    The House's supply Honda, has no fireplace, but it has heating floor heating

    We have a cot free of charge

    We provide breakfast for the next day of arrival, coffee nexpreso, leche y dulces caseros o de la zona.

    Contact information

    C / fuente Honda, 5TO. 28737 La Serna del Monte (Madrid)

    C/ Huertas 19A….4 to 6 squares
    C/ Huertas 19B…..4 to 6 squares
    C/ Huertas 23A…..4 to 6 squares
    C/ Huertas 23B…..4 to 6 squares
    C/ Fuente Honda 5B….10 squares

    Precio medio: 25€ person/night

    Related tourist information

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