• Torremocha del Jarama

    Hotel Moon

    Rural hotel completely renovated in what was the old City Hall, in the main square of the village. Consists of 6 very spacious double rooms, fully furnished in modern and functional, full bathroom, TV, Air conditioning and minibar. It also has a living room of common use for customers.


    On the ground floor for disabled accessibility.
    Pets are not allowed.
    Facilitates the free access all summer to the municipal swimming pool.
    Free parking unattended.
    Extra beds.

    Contact information

    PZ. Tercia, 1. 28189 Torremocha del Jarama (Madrid)

    609 941 033 / 646 39 45 49

    Squares: 6 double rooms

    Precio medio: 80/100€

    Related tourist information

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