• La Cabrera



    Hay en las fotografías de Pablo un “algo” misterioso. Siempre el árbol, his friend as the protagonist, also the sky, the shadow and the garden.

    Its relationship with nature is transformed into personal and lonely behind the goal. There is no one more. Illuminates with his eyes what you see, something that intuitively attracted you to a trunk, a silhouette of a bird in the tangle of branches across towards the sky, an enigmatic circle in the garden...

    Then, is the shadow of the. It is their way to remove the accessory, the absence of light makes disappear the obvious and just leaving the essential, What matters, This small detail that transforms in particular the time and the vision that the photographer gives us.

    There is no human interference in their relationship, He and the trees, the gardens..., He has seen so many that don't want their description, sus imágenes no son relatos que nos cuentan y detallan el jardín, aparecen sin embargo silenciosas como versos sueltos que en conjunto leen un bello poema intimista construido con juegos de sombras, forms and skies.

    Algo se aclara cuando mira al cielo, but it continues the mystery and just hoping that the ghosts of those who inhabited the garden appear in the shadows.

    Ana Pelaez

    Opening Saturday 13 July to the 13:00h.

    Schedule – Monday to Saturday: from 10 h to 17 h
    – Sundays: from 10 h to 15 h

    Tourism Innovation Center “Villa San Roque”.
    Avenida La Cabrera, 36 (La Cabrera)


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