• Valdemanco: a town surrounded by granitic rocks in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    In the Sierra Norte de Madrid, less than an hour by car from the capital, We find a village surrounded by the granite rocks of the Sierra de la Cabrera, stones that have marked the way of life of the inhabitants of the place: We speak of Valdemanco.

    Entrance to the village from the road M-610. Years 60“, by Ana López Valle, in the tourist brochure edited by the Town Hall of Valdemanco and the General Directorate of tourism (Ministry of economy and finance)

    If you are looking for is hiking in the Sierra Norte de Madrid and know first hand Valdemanco and its surroundings, You can write the following routes:

    • Trail of the dead: It runs along the southern slope of the sierra, which unites the Cabrera and Valdemanco. Anecdote: It was the usual way to bury the dead to the convent of San Antonio when Valdemanco lacked cemetery.
    • The granite route: the longest paths of Valdemanco begins at the new cemetery, It will allow us to observe the relief of the area.
    • Path of the orchards: We descend to the shore of the Albala, where will walk between riparian vegetation.
    • Shepherds way: We will travel in time, passing by the Cañada Real, It crosses Valdemanco from the flanks of the Mondalindo to the port of half bushel.
    • Footsteps of history: We go into the landscape of the municipality, modeling with traditional farming practices

    A bit of history: the municipality was founded as such in the 16th century and owes its name to Juan Valdés "El Manco", a neighbor of Bustarviejo than not able to dedicate to their tasks in the field, rose a sale of roads to 5 kilometers from his village. For many years, Valdemanco depended on Bustarviejo, and both the village and land of Segovia, until at 1833 they happen to belong to the province of Madrid. Valdemanco achieves its independence from Bustarviejo in 1840. In the Decade of 1940 was the railway line Madrid - Burgos, with stops in Valdemanco and the Valle del Lozoya, used primarily for transportation of granite from the local quarries.

    Valdemanco paths, in the trails brochure edited by the community of Madrid, the Ministry of the environment, the EU, Cattle trails and Commonwealth Navalafuente-Valdemanco multiple services

    If the walk does not attract you and you are more vultures, Valdemanco will also meet your expectations. In the Taller-fundacion Berrutti and in the Fundación Andrés Puig You can bring you to the art of these two artists established in the municipality.

    You can not leave without tasting a dish (at least) in one of the restaurants local, and if you want to do more than one route, on our website you will find some accommodation breakfast where overnight Valdemanco.

    For more information do not hesitate to visit our Sierra Norte Madrid.

    Photographs: Ana Lopez Valley, Valdemanco Town Hall

    • History

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