• Torremocha de Jarama: connection between past and present through the water and land

    Located in the Sierra Norte de Madrid to 60 km from the capital, Torremocha de Jarama It is in the provincial border with Guadalajara. On a plain of the Valley of Jarama, offers splendid views of the surrounding.

    Past and present converge in Torremocha, where to find a balance between tradition and innovation. Adobe and masonry dwellings, with its Moorish tiles, transport us in time, allowing us to imagine the rural environment of the municipality in the past centuries. Territory that not to be rural aside from illustration: the count of Cabarrús, from the end of the 17TH century French economist, He was the driving force behind the channel of the same name: Today we know it as Canal de Isabel II. Built in the 18th century, irrigated lands of Patones, Torremocha de Jarama and Torrelaguna.

    This territory has always been linked to agriculture and traditional uses: the locals, from the Neolithic period, they were connoisseurs of the Sierra and its corners. Wheat, barley and rye are just some of the most characteristic of this municipality crops, where agricultural know-how has been captured in the Agriculture Museum. From 1998, This space has acted as a catalyst of the municipal economy, through its collection of agricultural and handcrafted instruments, You can visit everyone who moves to rural tourism in the Sierra Norte de Madrid. Not in vain, is the center of the craft Torrearte, a dynamic space committed to the future of the people. Through a varied monthly schedule of exhibitions and cultural activities, Torrearte enhances the natural and landscape resources of Torremocha, promoting the innovation and the uniqueness of the artisan and agricultural activities in the Sierra Norte de Madrid, Reaffirming the rural roots of this area of the community of Madrid.

    We invite you to go hiking and discover the natural landscape that surrounds this small town of the Sierra Norte de Madrid, you will not be disappointed: the route of the Canal de Cabarrus, of almost 14 km, It runs from Torrelaguna to Torremocha crossing the jarameña vega. After leaving behind a succession of guard houses and bridges or docks of stone arrive at the dam of the pontoon of the olive, currently abandoned, that supplied water to Madrid when just had with 250.000 inhabitants (High Jarama and El atazar channels run through the term). Araguz wash marks the entrance to Torremocha. You will find also the House of trades and the vantage point of the Torriton, where is called the first settlement of Torremocha de Jarama and BIC from 1985. Following a section of the GR - 10, the route hardens through the limestone cliffs so characteristic of the landscape patonero. The effort is worthwhile: already in the municipal district of Patones you will find the archeological site of the Dehesa de la Oliva, Area of archaeological interest declared in 1985. Here You can inform you about all the hiking routes proposed by the City Hall. of Torremocha.

    If the reason for the trip to the Sierra Norte de Madrid is to delve into their culture, the local heritage of Torremocha del Jarama, includes the Church of San Pedro Apóstol, from the 16th century. TO 3 km from the town centre is the House of crafts, erected at the end of the 18th by the count of Cabarrús for the administration of their properties in the Valley of the Jarama.

    panoramio 2

    Church night“, image of Eduardo Carralero

    Another point of interest for the visitor is the metal bridge spanning the Jarama in the shadow of neighboring Uceda next to the restored flour factory, construction of the 14th century that currently works as a room celebrations.


    Central pillars of the bridge“, at the entrance “The old bridge” blog Road to Uceda, by J.C.V.

    Do not miss the opportunity to taste a typical dish of Torremocha in their restaurants local or spend the night in a rural accommodation If you are making a tour of Sierra Norte.

    Sierra Norte de Madrid. Naturally Rural.

    Photographs: Torremocha de Jarama City Council, J.C.V. (www.caminoauceda.es), Benjamin M. M. and Eduardo Carralero (Panoramio), own images.

    • History

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