• Gargantilla del Lozoya and Pinilla de Buitrago: rural life with a historical twist in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    Do you know that? Gargantilla de Lozoya and Pinilla de Buitrago It is the municipality with the longest official name of Spain? They form a single municipal district since the 19th century. The municipality is located in the Valle Alto del Lozoya, in the Sierra Norte de Madrid on the southern slopes of the Sierra de Guadarrama.

    Gargantilla del Lozoya was founded shortly after Garganta de los Montes (at the time of the reconquest), by the same neighbors fleeing a deadly epidemic or for not wanting to pay taxes and tributes that corresponded them, populating steadily between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. Pinilla de Buitrago has a similar and parallel to Gargantilla del Lozoya history. Data from the 16th century, in which we began to populate the municipality.

    If you want to do a bit of rural tourism and delve into the history, Here is called the Heredad de Santiago, historical scenario where in 1470 Juana took place the meeting of Enrique IV and the Entourage that accompanied the girl "La Beltraneja" with the French Embassy. In a singular ceremony is officiated the prenuptial agreement between the count of Boulogne (representing the Duke of Guyenne, brother of the King of France) and the Princess, of 8 years of age. In that same Act, located in what would today be the parish cemetery, the Castilian nobles swore to the Princess Joanna as legitimate heir to the throne, deceit to heiress Isabel de el Título (which held since the Pact of Guisando).

    Given that the two municipal districts were unified into one, This has two parochial churches. The Church of San Benito Abad is located in Choker, rebuilt in 1943 and topped with a belfry in the outside. In Pinilla we find the Church of the Holy Trinity, from the 16th century and raised with mampostreria walls. Previously existed in this term another now defunct called Santiago town, of which we only have as evidence a Hermitage built a 1390 of which are preserved only seem them and the beautiful belfry Tower.


    Heredad de Santiago, image transferred by the City of Gargantilla de Lozoya and Pinilla de Buitrago

    We can not forget the Riosequillo reservoir, the limiting to the East the municipality. A path that runs next to it unites Gargantilla del Lozoya and Pinilla de Buitrago through a tour of 2.7 km that can be done on foot, cycling or horse riding (here You can find information about the route). You can also perform the Path of the bee, a local and thematic route of something more than 1 km that puts beekeeping as a mountain traditional activity in value and highlights their benefits in terms of diversity and sustainability in the rural environment.

    To the question of what to do in the Sierra Norte de Madrid, We find some companies offering water activities as well as horse-riding area.


    Cabana 1, image of the campsite MonteHoliday ecotourism

    Between the reservoir of Riosequillo and Pinilla, next to the course of the Lozoya River, you will find the impressive viaduct of the Lozoya, better known as Puente de Taboada. This spectacular work dating from the first third of the 20th century, It is a railway viaduct which was conceived with the purpose of reducing the distance between Madrid and Burgos (prior to this direct railway was forced step for Valladolid). Currently in disuse, This curved structure of 240 meters long with 16 arches of half point and one central ogival is used by regulars risk sports, Since serving as a springboard for the practice of bungee jumping.


    As regards accommodation rural, We can find several cottages in Gargantilla del Lozoya, as well as a camping site, Monteholiday ecotourism, Award-winning recently for being the most innovative of Spain. If we are looking for typical mountain cuisine, the municipality also offers several restaurants interesting. Don't them Miss!

    Sierra Norte de Madrid. Naturally Rural.

    Photographs: Manuel Vargas (Trunk art blog) , RTVE.es, City of Gargantilla de Lozoya and Pinilla de Buitrago, Calvo Miguel Sanchez (minube), Monteholiday ecotourism, own image bank.

    • History

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