• Braojos de la Sierra: feel the rural essence of a town full of life in the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    This week we talk of Braojos de la Sierra, municipality located in the Middle Valley of the Lozoya in the incomparable landscape of the Sierra Norte de Madrid.

    Braojos Aérea (J. David Antón)

    Air Braojos“, Image courtesy of Joseph David Anton

    The origin of the settlement is unknown, but everything seems to point to the same Foundation will be held by the Celts, because the prefix Bra- (brushwood of trees). Other theories argue that Braojos was founded after the Reconquista. The extension where Braojos now stands was annexed in 1096 the community of Villa and land of Buitrago, together with other municipalities. Due to its importance it became to have own Ordinances and to become head of one of the seven quarters of Buitrago: towns like Navarredonda, San Mamés, Pinilla de Buitrago, Villavieja del Lozoya and la Serna depended on the same. Braojos, along with Buitrago and other subordinated territories, they formed part of the province of Guadalajara until its final annexation to Madrid in 1833.

    If you ask about the possibilities of rural tourism in this municipality of the Sierra Norte de Madrid, We suggest that you visit which is probably the most outstanding tourist resource in the environment: We speak of the parish church of San Vicente Mártir, built between the XV and XVI centuries and subsequently rebuilt in Baroque style during the 17TH century. The Gothic Tower is original construction, like the plant in Latin cross with two ships, and the exterior was rebuilt in masonry with stone ashlars. The interior is equally interesting, in the chapel of the Vargas can find an altarpiece of 1633 the artist Gregorio Fernández. Another remarkable altarpiece is located in the Altar of the Angel, attributed to Pedro de Berruguete "El Viejo" (15th century).

    Iglesia San Vicente Mártir (J. David Antón)

    San Vicente Mártir Church“, Image courtesy of Joseph David Anton

    Iglesia San Vicente Mártir (María Barquero)

    Church of San Vicente among poppies“, Image courtesy of María Barquero

    Iglesia braojos interior (J. David Antón)

    Church interior Braojos“, Image courtesy of Joseph David Anton

    Other municipal resources which you can visit at Braojos are the Ermita del Buen Suceso (17TH century, restored in 1985), to 1 kilometer from the municipal core on the road towards La Serna; and the source and the Colt Horseshoe Uptown.

    Ermita Buen Suceso (Dirección General de Turismo. Consejería de Economía e Innovación Tecnológica. CAM)

    Hermitage of the Buen Suceso in Braojos by General Directorate of tourism. Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Comunidad de Madrid. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 IS

    Abrevadero (Oficina de Turismo de Braojos)

    Source and Colt branding, images provided by Office of tourism by Braojos de la Sierra

    Braojos you will also find representation of the Highland traditions in traditional festivals. Coming Christmas can enjoy Pastorale, dances and traditional dresses. Tradition that comes from afar, as held in the town since the 15th century. You can enjoy it in the midnight mass., Christmas, New year and Kings.

    Pastorela Danza (Oficina de Turismo de Braojos)
    Pastorela grupo (J. David Antón)

    Pastorale in Braojos“, images provided by the Office of tourism of Braojos de la Sierra and José David Anton

    Nature and outdoor enthusiasts will not be disappointed, Since the City Council offers several routes that you can see here and that they come out of the municipality, such as the ascent to Peña Quemada or the path of the Dehesa Boyal port.

    Braojos retains a unique rural character as part of its essence, Since the agriculture and livestock continue to have an important role in urban life and the local economy: the agricultural buildings of the municipality thus evidenced, the vast extensions of pastures and crops and numerous livestock paths surrounding the municipality. Modern activities have been introduced progressively in the municipality, and today hospitality has achieved a great development. Don't miss your chance to check it if you stay in any of the Super rural accommodation municipality, or tasting a succulent serrano menu in the restaurants local.

    Sierra Norte de Madrid. Naturally Rural.

    Photographs: Images provided by J. David Anton, Maria Barquero, Office of tourism and City Hall of Braojos de la Sierra, and General Directorate of tourism (Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Comunidad de Madrid).

    • History

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