• Somosierra: Discover the warlike past of the Sierra Norte de Madrid

    Following our habit of recent times, This week we speak of Somosierra, municipality located in the Middle Valley of the Lozoya in the fascinating Sierra Norte de Madrid, to 93 kilometres from the capital.

    Natural step between the community of Madrid and Castilla y León. This territory has the characteristics of high mountain, being the northernmost town of the community. Meadows and low shaft plants alternating with masses of trees on the hillside opposite the municipality, such as Scots pine, Robles, Oaks, junipers and brooms. Somosierra you will find the Dehesa Boyal or beautiful Dehesa, one of the most prominent mixed forests in the nature of the Sierra Norte, environment where peacefully graze cattle. It is a botanical relic that still exists from ice age, and it is in this environment where we propose to make a route Hiking that allows you to capture beautiful snapshots of the Dehesa.

    Dehesa Bonita 2. Imagen propia

    “Dehesa Nice 2”, Own image

    In this environment is, up to the penalty of the Jet, the jabot from the Litueros, one of the most beautiful waterfalls of the community of Madrid. Water from springs of the summits resulted in spout Brook, that he descended in the form of ponytail by the steps of la Chorrera. On the slopes of the peak three provinces was born the Duratón River, which creates a spectacular ravine. The above factors make canyoning a common practice in this area of beautiful shores (always with the help of a professional guide).

    Peña del Chorro, Somosierra. Pilar S.A.

    Penalty of the Jet, Somosierra” by Pilar S.A., licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

    The mountain pass that runs through Somosierra is an historic step in the Central system between submeseta norte and the South. With an altitude of 1.440 meters above sea level, the sierra is crossed through a tunnel on the A1. The hills of Somosierra and Ayllón limit to the West and East of the mountain pass, respectively.

    Boca norte del túnel de Somosierra.  Televisible

    North entrance of the tunnel of Somosierra” by Televisible, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

    Somosierra is not only a place of incomparable nature, but that it has also hosted some armed conflicts: Here took place the contest between Spanish and French armies during the battle of Somosierra the 30 November of 1808, during the war of independence. It represented the biggest win of the Polish cavalry of the Grande Armée of Napoleon, Since it was the opening of the road to Madrid for the French.

    "Bataille du col de Somo Sierra en Castille, le 30 novembre 1808", Louis-François Lejeune

    Bataille du col de Somo Sierra at Castille, Le 30 Novembre 1808 by Louis-François Lejeune (1775-1848), licensed by Ludmiła Pilecka. public domain

    Two centuries later, He was one of the main stages of the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), as Puentes Viejas reservoirs and del Villar, essential for water supply, they were fiercely defended. For this reason, this front was maintained in permanent tension, Although no major changes during the duration of the conflict.

    The more vultures can see some outstanding examples of religious architecture in the municipality, as the Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad (17TH century) and the parish church of Santa María de las Nieves (18th century). The first, which exhibits plaques in honour to the Spanish and Polish heroes who fell in the battle of Somosierra, Crown port. The parish Museum is located near the, It houses documents and relics on the conflict (your visit requires appointment with the Pastor Sunday and holidays during hours of worship). The second, already on its most recent construction, is thick masonry and roof in black tile, and it was rebuilt after the Civil War.

    ""Hermitage of Nuestra Señora de la Soledad in Somosierra” by General Directorate of tourism. Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Comunidad de Madrid. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 IS

    Parish our Lady of the snows in Somosierra” by General Directorate of tourism. Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Comunidad de Madrid. Licensed under CC BY 3.0 IS

    The options of accommodation and restoration municipality will allow you to enjoy the surroundings and the mountain gastronomy. Don't miss the chance to meet both in this rural territory of the Sierra Norte de Madrid so imbued with history and ecological uniqueness.

    Sierra Norte de Madrid. Naturally Rural.

    Photographs: Own images, Pilar S.A., Televisible, Public domain, Directorate-General for tourism (Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Comunidad de Madrid).

    • History

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