• This week we bring you our bi-weekly post in the municipality of Redueña, belonging to the Jarama Valley, in the heart of Sierra Norte de Madrid. At a height of 815 m above the level of the sea and with a population of 248 inhabitants (data of 2017, INE), It is bounded by the municipalities of La Cabrera, Torrelaguna, The fleece, Venturada and Cabanillas de la Sierra., and it is only about 50 km from Madrid:

    panoramicafolleto_Ayuntamiento de Redueña, CAM

    Aerial view of Redueña, in the routes brochure edited by the Town Hall

    Located in an area of valleys on the northern end of Madrid, the terrain of Redueña is peculiar: is completely folded down, at the beginning of the foothills of the Sierra de Guadarrama. The municipal area is crossed from North to South by the Canal de Isabel II. Granite and gneiss are the landscape, and a vegetation consisting of grasses, scrub, Oaks, Juniper, rockroses and cantuesos in the North; and thickets, Oaks and gall Oaks in the South.

    From the quarries of this municipality came out much of the stone that built monuments as important and as exciting as the fountain of Cibeles, The Castillo de Manzanares, The fountain of Neptune or the dam of the pontoon of the olive. In effect: in the case of La Cibeles, magnificent work designed by Ventura Rodríguez in time of Carlos III (became operational in 1792), a few were used 10 tons of Redueña stone, Since that toledano municipality of Montesclaros marble was used for the figure of the goddess and the Lions. By the way, also known to the inhabitants of Redueña as "ciguenos" we leave you this video of the Town Hall, in which Lucia, Redueña Stork, you talk about this issue and invites you to visit the municipality:

    In terms of the municipal heritage, We find interesting places such as the Church of San Pedro Advíncula, Renaissance styles and Baroque building in limestone, built between the 14th and 15th centuries. Inside are preserved with Renaissance niche niches, as well as a Romanesque sculpture of the Virgin and child.

    Church gate in Redueña by by General Directorate of tourism. Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Community of Madrid graduate low CC BY 3.0 IS

    Folleto-Rutas-161. folleto_Ayuntamiento de Redueña, CAM

    Romanesque sculpture of the Virgen de las Viñas (12th - 13th), in the routes brochure edited by the Town Hall

    You will also find the Colt Horseshoe, recently restored, consisting of four upright posts of stone that is tied and herraba animals. In the cemetery there is a late fifteenth century Gothic cross, and equally importantly the playground for the little ones, with several copies of an unusual species of pine, and from where you can enjoy a complete overview of the people and the sierra.

    Colt branding, Park (old heras) and Gothic cross cemetery, in the routes brochure edited by the Town Hall

    Regarding tourist paths, Redueña we find the "path for all", a linear route of 2.2 km and with little slope which allows access to persons with reduced mobility or wheelchair. Interpretive panels are adapted in braille for blind people, as well as with volumes in relief to know the environmental richness of the dehesa boyal Redueña. The path runs along the path of the Canal that starts the Villar dam and leads to Colmenar Viejo. During his tour intends that the visitor approaches one of the most characteristic of Redueña landscapes, the dehesa, and learn about the evolution of the landscape, the flora and fauna of this environment, as well as the networks and connections that are created in this ecosystem. You can consult the route and download the track of the same both in our Web as in the municipal website.

    Spring is a great season to discover Redueña and its resources. Don't miss the opportunity to do so tasting a genuine serrano dish or if you stay in one of the rural accommodation from the surrounding villages.

    Sierra Norte de Madrid. Naturally Rural.


    Photographs: Turistic pamphlet edited by the Town Hall of Redueña and the General Directorate of tourism (Ministry of economy and finance), Manuel R.A. (video Youtube), Directorate-General for tourism (Ministry of economy and technological innovation. Comunidad de Madrid), own images.

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